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Clever Fish

Once upon a time in a sunny ocean, there was a clever fish named Fin. Fin was always curious and loved exploring the underwater world.

Fin the clever fish swimming in the ocean

One day, Fin discovered a treasure chest hidden among the coral reefs. He quickly realized that the chest was locked with a mysterious code. 'I must solve the puzzle to see what's inside,' thought Fin.

Fin finding a treasure chest among colorful coral reefs

With his sharp memory, Fin recalled a rhyme he had heard from an old turtle. 'Red, blue, yellow, green, unlock the treasure you've never seen.' He swam around, searching for colorful objects in the ocean.

Fin swimming and searching for colorful objects underwater

Fin found a red seashell, a blue starfish, a yellow sea anemone, and a green sea turtle. He arranged them in the correct order and poof! The treasure chest popped open.

Fin arranging colorful objects to unlock the treasure chest

Inside the chest, there were shiny pearls and sparkling gems. 'Wow! These are the most beautiful treasures I've ever seen,' exclaimed Fin.

Fin amazed by the treasures inside the chest

But instead of keeping the treasures for himself, Fin had an idea. He decided to share the treasures with his fish friends who didn't have shiny scales like him.

Fin sharing treasures with his fish friends

Fin distributed the pearls and gems among his friends. They were overjoyed and thanked Fin for his kindness. From that day on, every fish in the ocean knew about the clever and generous fish named Fin.

Fin and his fish friends happily swimming together

Reflection Questions

  • How did Fin find the treasure chest?
  • What colorful objects did Fin find in the ocean?
  • What did Fin decide to do with the treasures?

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