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Clever Girl Solves the Mystery
Once upon a time in a small town, there was a clever girl named Lily. She had curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. Lily loved solving mysteries, and everyone in town knew she was the smartest kid around. One day, something strange happened in the town. All the apples in the orchard had disappeared! The townspeople were worried and didn't know what to do. 从前,在一个小镇上,有一个聪明的女孩,名叫莉莉。她有一头卷曲的棕色头发和明亮的蓝色眼睛。莉莉喜欢解开谜团,镇上的每个人都知道她是周围最聪明的孩子。有一天,小镇里发生了一件奇怪的事情。果园里的苹果全部消失了!镇上的人们都很着急,不知道该怎么办。
Curly brown hair, bright blue eyes with curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. Town with houses and an orchard full of apples.
Lily put on her detective hat and started investigating the mysterious apple disappearance. She went to the orchard and looked for clues. On the ground, she found footprints that didn't belong to humans. The footprints had little claws at the end. 'Hmm, these footprints must belong to animals,' Lily said, using her detective skills. 莉莉戴上侦探帽,开始调查苹果神秘失踪案。她前往果园寻找线索。在地面上,她发现了不属于人类的脚印。脚印末端有小爪子。 “嗯,这些脚印一定是动物的。”莉莉运用她的侦探技巧说道。
Curly brown hair, bright blue eyes wearing a detective hat, looking at footprints with little claws in the orchard.
Lily followed the footprints and they led her to a little squirrel named Nutmeg. Nutmeg had reddish-brown fur and tiny black eyes. 'Did you take the apples?' Lily asked kindly. Nutmeg shook her head and said, 'No, but I saw something strange. Someone was giving the apples to a big bird.' 莉莉循着脚印,他们带她找到了一只名叫肉豆蔻的小松鼠。肉豆蔻有红棕色的皮毛和黑色的小眼睛。 “你拿走了苹果吗?”莉莉善意地问道。肉豆蔻摇摇头说:“没有,但我看到了一些奇怪的东西。”有人正在把苹果送给一只大鸟。”
Curly brown hair, bright blue eyes talking to Reddish-brown fur, tiny black eyes, a squirrel with reddish-brown fur and tiny black eyes.
Lily thanked Nutmeg and decided to find the big bird. She asked her friend Max, who had a pet parrot named Polly. Polly was a beautiful green bird with yellow feathers. Lily thought that Polly might know something. 'Polly, have you seen a big bird around the town?' Lily asked. Polly nodded and replied, 'Yes, I saw a big falcon near the orchard.' 莉莉感谢了肉豆蔻,决定去找那只大鸟。她问她的朋友马克斯,他有一只名叫波莉的宠物鹦鹉。波莉是一只美丽的绿色小鸟,有黄色的羽毛。莉莉认为波莉可能知道一些事情。 “波利,你在镇上看到过一只大鸟吗?”莉莉问道。波莉点点头,回答道:“是的,我在果园附近看到一只大猎鹰。”
Curly brown hair, bright blue eyes talking to Max's pet parrot Beautiful green bird, yellow feathers, a green bird with yellow feathers.
Lily realized that the falcon might be the one taking the apples. She used her binoculars to search for the falcon. Finally, she spotted it perched on a tall tree near the orchard. Lily approached the falcon and asked, 'Why are you taking the apples?' The falcon explained that she needed food for her hungry babies. Lily understood and said, 'I can help you find another place to get food.' 莉莉意识到猎鹰可能就是吃苹果的人。她用双筒望远镜寻找猎鹰。最后,她发现它栖息在果园附近的一棵高树上。莉莉走近猎鹰问道:“你为什么要拿苹果?”猎鹰解释说她需要食物来喂养饥饿的孩子们。莉莉明白了,说道:“我可以帮你找个地方去取食物。”
Curly brown hair, bright blue eyes using binoculars to spot the falcon on a tall tree.
Together, Lily and the falcon found a different orchard where the falcon could hunt for food without taking the town's apples. The townspeople were relieved when Lily solved the mystery and brought back the peace. From that day on, Lily was known as the clever girl who could solve any mystery. And she continued using her logic and reasoning to help others in need. 莉莉和猎鹰一起找到了一个不同的果园,猎鹰可以在那里寻找食物,而不必拿走镇上的苹果。当莉莉解开谜团并恢复平静时,镇上的人们都松了一口气。从那天起,莉莉就被称为能解开任何谜团的聪明女孩。她继续用她的逻辑和推理来帮助有需要的人。
Curly brown hair, bright blue eyes and the falcon finding another orchard. Townspeople relieved and thankful.

Reflection Questions

  • 1. What did Lily find in the orchard that helped her solve the mystery?
  • 2. Why was the falcon taking the apples?
  • 3. How did Lily help the falcon and solve the mystery?

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