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Clever Monkey

Once upon a time in the jungle, there lived a clever monkey.

Monkey swinging from tree with jungle animals

One day, the monkey found a delicious bunch of bananas.

Monkey holding a bunch of yellow bananas

But the bananas were high up in a tree.

Monkey stretching its arms towards tall tree

The monkey thought of a plan to get the bananas.

Monkey with thinking bubble above its head

Covering its body in sticky juice, the monkey climbed the tree.

Monkey with sticky juice all over its body

The monkey reached the bananas and enjoyed a tasty feast.

Monkey happily eating bananas on top of tree

Other animals saw this and praised the clever monkey.

Various jungle animals looking up at Brown monkey with a mischievous smile and quick movements with respect

From that day on, the monkey was known as the cleverest in the jungle.

Monkey wearing a crown and surrounded by impressed animals

Reflection Questions

  • What did the monkey find in the jungle?
  • How did the monkey get the bananas?
  • Why did the other animals praise the monkey?

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