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Cloud Friends and the Shapes in the Sky
أصدقاء السحابة والأشكال في السماء
Once upon a time, there were two cloud friends named Sky and Fluffy. They loved playing together in the sky and making different shapes with their fluffy bodies. ذات مرة ، كان هناك صديقان على السحابة يدعى Sky and Fluffy. لقد أحبوا اللعب معًا في السماء وصنع أشكال مختلفة بأجسادهم الرقيقة.
Two happy cloud friends with fluffy bodies in the blue sky
One sunny day, Sky and Fluffy decided to create a special shape for their animal friends. They wanted to make a shape that looked like a cat. Sky started forming the fluffy body while Fluffy tried to make pointy ears. في أحد الأيام المشمسة ، قررت Sky and Fluffy إنشاء شكل خاص لأصدقائهم من الحيوانات. لقد أرادوا صنع شكل يشبه القطة. بدأت Sky في تشكيل الجسم الرقيق بينما حاول Fluffy صنع آذان مدببة.
Big white cloud with a smiling face and sparkly eyes shaping its body like a cat while Small gray cloud with a happy face and soft edges is sculpting pointy ears
But, no matter how hard Fluffy tried, the ears just didn't look right. They were too round and not pointy enough. Fluffy felt sad and frustrated. ولكن ، بغض النظر عن مدى صعوبة محاولة Fluffy ، فإن الأذنين لم تبدو على ما يرام. كانت مستديرة للغاية وليست مدببة بدرجة كافية. شعر رقيق بالحزن والإحباط.
Small gray cloud with a happy face and soft edges feeling sad with round ears instead of pointy
Seeing Fluffy upset, Sky had an idea. Sky said, 'Let's work together, Fluffy! We can solve this problem!' So they decided to combine their fluffy bodies, and together, they made the perfect pointy ears for the cat shape. عند رؤية فلافي مستاءة ، خطرت لدى سكاي فكرة. قالت السماء ، "دعونا نعمل معا ، رقيق! يمكننا حل هذه المشكلة! لذلك قرروا الجمع بين أجسادهم الرقيقة ، وصنعوا معًا آذانًا مدببة مثالية لشكل القطة.
Big white cloud with a smiling face and sparkly eyes and Small gray cloud with a happy face and soft edges working together, combining their bodies to make pointy ears
Excited and proud of their teamwork, Sky and Fluffy continued creating more shapes. They made a shape that looked like a butterfly, a shape that looked like a fish, and even a shape that looked like a dinosaur! متحمسًا وفخورًا بعملهما الجماعي ، واصل Sky and Fluffy إنشاء المزيد من الأشكال. لقد صنعوا شكلاً يشبه الفراشة ، وشكل يشبه السمكة ، وحتى شكل يشبه الديناصور!
Big white cloud with a smiling face and sparkly eyes and Small gray cloud with a happy face and soft edges creating various shapes happily
Every time they faced a problem, Sky and Fluffy used their problem-solving skills and worked together to find a solution. They realized that problems can be solved when friends help each other. في كل مرة واجهوا فيها مشكلة ، استخدم Sky and Fluffy مهاراتهم في حل المشكلات وعملوا معًا لإيجاد حل. لقد أدركوا أنه يمكن حل المشكلات عندما يساعد الأصدقاء بعضهم البعض.
Big white cloud with a smiling face and sparkly eyes and Small gray cloud with a happy face and soft edges showing teamwork to solve problems
From that day on, Sky and Fluffy became the best problem-solving friends in the sky. They made the clouds even more beautiful with their amazing shapes, and their animal friends would gaze at them in awe. منذ ذلك اليوم فصاعدًا ، أصبحت Sky and Fluffy أفضل أصدقاء في حل المشكلات في السماء. لقد جعلوا الغيوم أكثر جمالًا بأشكالها المدهشة ، وكان أصدقاؤهم من الحيوانات ينظرون إليهم في رهبة.
Big white cloud with a smiling face and sparkly eyes and Small gray cloud with a happy face and soft edges becoming the best problem-solving friends in the sky
The end. النهاية.
A happy ending with a big blue sky and fluffy clouds

Reflection Questions

  • How did Sky and Fluffy solve the problem?
  • What shapes did Sky and Fluffy create together?
  • What did Sky and Fluffy learn from their adventures?

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