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Cloud Friends

Once upon a time, there were two cloud friends named Fluffy and Puffy. They loved to play together in the big blue sky.

Fluffy is a cloud with a round shape, made of fluffy white material. and Puffy is a cloud with a square shape, made of fluffy white material., blue sky

One day, Fluffy and Puffy decided to create different shapes with their fluffy white bodies. Fluffy turned into a round ball, while Puffy transformed into a square.

Fluffy is a cloud with a round shape, made of fluffy white material. as a round ball, Puffy is a cloud with a square shape, made of fluffy white material. as a square

They giggled and rolled around, making cloud balls and squares of all sizes. They even made a cloud triangle by overlapping their fluffy edges.

Giggling, rolling clouds, cloud triangle

As they played, Fluffy and Puffy realized that together they could create even more amazing shapes. They joined their cloud bodies to form a cloud heart, showing their deep friendship.

Cloud heart, deep friendship

The cloud friends continued to invent new shapes, like stars, flowers, and even a rocket. They were a perfect pair, combining their imaginations to make the sky more beautiful.

Stars, flowers, rocket, perfect pair

Every day, Fluffy and Puffy soared through the sky, spreading joy and laughter to all who saw their fantastic creations. They were the best of friends and would always stick together.

Soaring through the sky, spreading joy, best friends

From that day on, Fluffy and Puffy knew that their friendship was like the shape they created – strong, unique, and full of love. They would be cloud friends forever!

Strong friendship, unique and full of love, forever friends

And so, Fluffy and Puffy continued to float together in the sky, creating beautiful shapes and sharing their joy with everyone around. They were happy to have each other as cloud friends forever.

Floating in the sky, beautiful shapes, joy, forever friends

Reflection Questions

  • How did Fluffy and Puffy show their friendship?
  • What shapes did Fluffy and Puffy create together?
  • Why were Fluffy and Puffy happy to have each other?

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