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Cloudy Friends

Fluffy and Puffy were two cloud friends.

Two happy clouds floating in the sky

They loved to create different shapes in the sky.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile making shapes with clouds

One day, they decided to make a heart shape.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile forming a heart in the sky

They giggled with joy as they saw their creation.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile laughing together with happiness

Next, they made a star shape, shining bright.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile making a sparkly star shape

They were proud of their star in the sky.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile feeling proud of their creation

Then, they created a funny shape, like a silly monkey.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile forming a silly monkey shape

They laughed and chuckled at their silly monkey.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile laughing at their funny creation

Fluffy and Puffy made many more shapes together.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile creating various shapes happily

They loved being cloud friends, creating beautiful things.

White, puffy cloud with a big smile and White, puffy cloud with a smaller smile enjoying their friendship and creations

Reflection Questions

  • What did Fluffy and Puffy love to create?
  • How did Fluffy and Puffy feel when they saw their heart shape?
  • What did Fluffy and Puffy enjoy most about their friendship?

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