Long ago, in a small town, Kuber looked at the night sky, dreaming of adventure.
He heard old tales of constellations holding secrets to untold treasures.
One clear night, Kuber saw a twinkling pattern resemble a shiny coin.
He found an old map in the attic that pointed to the same stars.
Excited, Kuber shared his find with his best friend, Maya, the next morning.
Together, they decided to follow the starry map to find what lies beneath.
They began their journey at dusk, guided by the glowing coin above.
The stars led them to a hidden grove with trees whispering secrets.
Digging under the brightest star, Kuber found an ancient, dusty chest.
Inside the chest were coins engraved with unfamiliar, but beautiful symbols.
They also found a note: 'The real treasure is friendship and the journey taken.'
With happy hearts, they left the coins and took their memories home.
Reflection Questions