Once upon a time, in a small village called Alegria, there lived a young and curious girl named Sofia. Sofia was always full of questions and had a thirst for knowledge. One day, as she was lying in her cozy bed, she asked her mom, "Mommy, what are the most important things in life?" Her mom smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. She began to tell Sofia a story, a special bedtime story about "Coisas Importantes da Vida" (Important Things in Life).
"In a land far away, there was a wise old turtle named Tito," her mom started. "Tito lived in a beautiful forest surrounded by vibrant flowers, tall trees, and gentle streams. He was known throughout the forest as the wisest creature and could answer any question." One sunny morning, Sofia decided to visit Tito to ask him about the important things in life. She followed the winding path and reached the clearing where Tito lived. The wise old turtle greeted her with a warm smile and invited her to sit down beside him.
"Dear Tito," Sofia exclaimed, "can you please tell me what are the important things in life?" Tito looked at Sofia kindly and replied, "Child, the important things in life are not material possessions or things we can hold in our hands. They are the intangible treasures that bring happiness, love, and meaning to our lives."
Sofia listened intently as Tito continued, "The first important thing in life is kindness. Kindness is like a magic force that can make the world a better place. When you are kind to others, it brings warmth to their hearts and brightens their day." He paused for a moment and then said, "The second important thing in life is love. Love is a powerful feeling that connects us all. It can be found in the embrace of a loved one, the wag of a dog's tail, or the laughter of a friend."
Sofia nodded, eager to hear more. Tito continued, "The third important thing in life is gratitude. Expressing gratitude reminds us to appreciate what we have, to be thankful for the simplest things like a sunny day or a delicious meal. It helps us see the beauty in every moment." As Tito finished speaking, Sofia wrapped her little arms around the wise old turtle, thanking him for his wisdom. She returned home, filled with a newfound understanding of these important things in life.
From that day on, Sofia lived her life with kindness, spreading love wherever she went and practicing gratitude for the little things. She grew up to be a kind-hearted and happy person, bringing joy to everyone around her. And so, my dear little one, remember the story of Sofia and the wise old turtle, Tito. Always remember to be kind, love with all your heart, and count your blessings. These are the coisas importantes da vida, the important things in life, that will bring you true happiness and fulfillment.
Now, close your eyes, my dear, and may these important things guide you through your dreams and bring you a peaceful sleep.
Reflection Questions