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Cora and the Magical Adventure Home

Cora and her brother, Max, walked home from school one sunny afternoon. Cora was so tired she could hardly keep her eyes open. ‘Let’s rest on that bench,’ she said.

Pretend you are very tired and need to rest.

Two kids, Cora and tucker, sitting on a park bench with the sun shining.

As they sat down, Cora noticed something unusual. ‘Max! Look! A bear by the sand pit!’ she exclaimed, pointing.

Point at an imaginary bear in surprise.

A surprised Cora and Max pointing at a bear standing by the sand pit.

The bear looked at them, then jumped into the sand pit. ‘Let’s follow him!’ Cora shouted. Without thinking, they both dashed forward and fell into the pit, too!

Pretend to jump into a pit.

Cora and Max jumping into the sand pit after the bear.

Suddenly, the sand began to move, and their chairs flew forward. ‘Whoa!’ they yelled, sliding down a hill of golden sand.

Pretend to slide down a hill.

Cora and Max sliding down a sand hill with surprised expressions.

At the bottom of the hill, they dropped off the edge of the earth and landed softly on a giant cloud pillow. ‘Puff! That was close!’ said Max, laughing.

Pretend you are softly landing on a cloud.

Cora and Max landing on a fluffy cloud pillow and giggling.

They looked around and saw dreamy, dazed and sleepy sheep. ‘We must help count and find them!’ said Cora. So they counted, ‘One, two, three…’

Count out loud from one to ten.

Sleepy sheep wandering around, with Cora and Max counting them.

After the counting was done, sheep number one said, ‘Hop on my back! I’ll take you to the Wackaloo Gumballs!’

Pretend you are riding on a sheep.

A talking sheep offering a ride to Cora and Max.

The Wackaloo Gumballs were silly girls who knew it all. They greeted Cora and Max with songs and dance. ‘How do we get back?’ asked Max.

Pretend you are dancing and singing.

Silly girls, the Wackaloo Gumballs, singing and dancing around Cora and Max.

The Wackaloo Gumballs rolled, sang, and danced them all the way to a HUGE tree. They laughed and twirled until they saw Old Lady Hollow.

Pretend to twirl and laugh.

Cora, Max, and the Wackaloo Gumballs dancing around a huge, ancient tree.

Old Lady Hollow was wise and kind. ‘Welcome,’ she said. ‘Plants and animals love us. We need to treat them with care and respect, just as they do for us.’

Pretend to give a wise and kind speech.

Old Lady Hollow, a wise old tree, talking to Cora and Max.

To celebrate, Old Lady Hollow made a small strawberry cheesecake. They all ate and felt so happy. ‘Yum!’ said Cora as she took a big bite.

Pretend to eat a yummy cheesecake.

Cora, Max, Old Lady Hollow, and others eating a delicious cheesecake.

After the sweet treat, Cora felt sleepy again. ‘Let’s take a nap,’ she said. They all laid down on the soft grass and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Pretend you are taking a peaceful nap.

Cora, Max, and friends napping on the grass under the huge tree.

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