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Counting in the Coral

Once upon a time, in a vibrant coral reef, there lived a little fish named Finny.

Introduction of the setting and main character Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile in the coral reef.

Finny loved to play hide and seek with his friends among the colorful corals.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile playing with friends in the reef.

But Finny had a problem. He always lost the game because he couldn't count his friends well.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile struggles with counting during hide and seek.

One sunny day, Finny met a wise old turtle named Terry who offered to teach him numbers.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile meets Old, green turtle with wise eyes and a slow, friendly manner, who offers help.

"Let's start with these starfish," said Terry. "We'll count them one by one."

Beginning of counting lesson with starfish.

Finny counted carefully. "One, two, three! There are three starfish," he exclaimed with glee.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile successfully counts starfish.

"Now, let's count the seashells," Terry smiled. "They're a bit trickier because they hide in the sand."

Next lesson involves counting seashells.

One by one, Finny spotted and counted the seashells. "Four, five, six," he chirped.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile counts seashells with growing confidence.

Feeling proud, Finny thanked Terry and swam off to find his friends for another game.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile, feeling more confident, leaves to find friends.

As they hid among the anemones and stones, Finny counted out loud, "One, two, three, four..."

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile counts his hiding friends with confidence.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Finny shouted, giggling as he found each friend in turn.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile seeking friends in a rewritten game of hide and seek.

Finny had found every friend perfectly. From that day on, the reef rang with his laughter and counting songs.

Small, blue fish with happy eyes and a wide smile succeeds in hide and seek and fills the reef with joy.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Finny felt when he couldn't count his friends?
  • What did Terry do that was kind, and how can you be kind like Terry?
  • Can you remember a time when you learned something new and it made you happy? Describe it.

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