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Dana's Soccer Dream

Dana laced up her bright blue soccer shoes and smiled. Today was her first soccer practice.

Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear prepares for soccer practice, feeling excited.

She ran onto the field, the grass tickling her ankles. Her heart beat fast with joy.

Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear arrives at the soccer field, full of joy and excitement.

The coach blew the whistle. 'Let's practice kicking,' he said.

The coach starts the practice with kicking exercises.

Dana kicked the ball hard. It soared through the air but missed the goal.

Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear attempts a goal but misses.

'Don't give up,' said Coach. Dana nodded and tried again.

The coach encourages Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear; she persists.

This time, her kick was strong and true. The ball found the net. Goal!

Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear scores a goal, improving through persistence.

Her teammates cheered. 'Great job, Dana!' they shouted with big smiles.

Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear's successful goal; her teammates celebrate.

Practice ended with a game. Dana dribbled the ball down the field.

A practice game starts; Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear is dribbling the ball.

She passed the ball to Lee. 'Good teamwork!' Coach said with a thumbs up.

Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear shows teamwork, passing the ball to Teammate with friendliness, black hair, green eyes, soccer uniform.

The final whistle blew. Though tired, Dana felt happy and proud.

The practice ends; Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear is tired but happy.

'You did well today,' said Coach. 'Keep practicing and you'll be a star player!'

Encouraging feedback from the coach to Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear.

Later, Dana practiced in her backyard. She was determined to get better.

Girl with determination, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing soccer gear practices on her own, showing determination.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Dana felt after missing the goal and how would you feel?
  • Why is it important for Dana to keep practicing even after she succeeded?
  • What can you learn from the way Dana’s teammates supported her?

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