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Danny and the Dinosaur

Danny is a little boy who loves dinosaurs.

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. looking at dinosaur bones in a museum

One day, Danny finds a real live dinosaur!

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. and the dinosaur playing in the park

They have lots of fun together.

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. and the dinosaur playing catch with a ball

They go to the zoo and have ice cream.

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. and the dinosaur eating ice cream under the sun

Danny rides on the dinosaur's back.

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. riding happily on the dinosaur's back

They go swimming in the lake.

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. and the dinosaur swimming in the lake

Danny teaches the dinosaur to do tricks.

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. and the dinosaur balancing on one leg

At the end of the day, the dinosaur takes Danny home.

Little boy with red cap and blue shirt. and the dinosaur walking towards sunset

Reflection Questions

  • What does Danny love?
  • Who did Danny find one day?
  • What did they do together?

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