In a bustling town by the sea, four friendly dogs named Daisy, Duke, Dexter, and Dottie played all day, wagging their tails with glee. One sunny day, a call for help they did hear, as a kitten stuck in a tree called out clear.
Jump up and bark like a brave little dog to help the kitten.
The brave dogs dashed to the scene, their ears flapping as they licked the kitten's head, making it beam. The kitten explained that to set it free, they must listen closely to its plea.
Wiggle your nose and point high in the air like you're listening carefully.
The clever kitten told them about a map hidden in the sand, leading to the spot where treasure lay grand. They needed to work together and obey, following the clues the kitten would say.
Clap your hands and whisper 'Treasure!' as if you've found a secret.
On their daring quest, they encountered a deep, dark cave, its entrance covered in an emerald wave. Bravely they ventured inside, their footsteps echoing far and wide.
Tip-toe quietly and say 'echo' when you hear your voice bouncing back.
Following the trail, they reached a river swift, with a rickety bridge that gave a perilous lift. Carefully they crossed, their hearts beating fast, until they saw the treasure at last.
Stomp your feet and cheer 'Hooray!' when the treasure is finally in sight.
With the treasure found, they returned with joy in the air, the kitten waving to say it was grateful beyond compare. They had listened well and worked together, showing that good listening made them clever.
Give a big, happy hug to show how good teamwork and listening make everyone feel.
From that day on, the dogs were known far and wide, as brave rescuers who never let a friend's call be denied. And so, the story of Daisy, Duke, Dexter, and Dottie's daring rescue would forever abide.
Raise your little fist in the air and shout 'We did it!' to celebrate the brave dogs.