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Daring Dragon's Daring Day

Deep in a den, a daring dragon did dwell, dragons dancing and daring, a delightful sight to tell.

A colorful cave with fireflies dancing, playful dragon named Playful purple dragon, with shiny green eyes and a toothy grin, and friendly forest setting.

Dexter dared to dart around the den, dizzying and dashing, like a dazzling firework in the sky.

Playful purple dragon, with shiny green eyes and a toothy grin the dragon zooming around the cave, spinning and giggling, with sparkles in the air.

Down by the pond, Dexter met a duck, delightful and dainty, dipping and diving.

Playful purple dragon, with shiny green eyes and a toothy grin meeting a dainty duck with blue feathers, playing by the pond, and a sunny day.

Duck dared Dexter to dive in the water, down he went, a delightful splash! Drips were dancing, making a delightful duet.

Playful purple dragon, with shiny green eyes and a toothy grin daringly diving into the pond, ducks dashing away, and sparkling droplets in the air.

Dexter then discovered a delicious doughnut, a delightful treat, with dripping, delicious jam.

Playful purple dragon, with shiny green eyes and a toothy grin finding a colorful doughnut with jam filling, droplets dripping down, and a delightful smell.

Down went the doughnut, Dexter ate it all up, and with a contented burp, he took a drowsy nap.

Playful purple dragon, with shiny green eyes and a toothy grin chomping down the doughnut, patting his belly, and peacefully napping in the den.

Deep in his dreams, Dexter danced and dived, daring and drowsy, until the day's end.

Playful purple dragon, with shiny green eyes and a toothy grin dreaming of dancing and diving, dozing off in his cozy den, with dandelion seeds floating in the air.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Dexter feel when he found the doughnut?
  • What do you think the duck felt when Dexter splashed into the pond?
  • Why was Dexter's nap so important after his daring day?

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