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David and the Mighty Goliath

In the land of Israel, young David tended sheep. He was brave and kind.

Countryside, Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous herding, introduction to character

One day, a giant named Goliath challenged David's people. 'Send your best to fight me!'

Giant warrior, tanned skin, dark eyes, intimidating taunting, Israelites scared

David saw the giant and felt scared, but his bravery was stronger. 'I will fight him!'

Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous volunteers, showing courage

David went to a stream and picked five smooth stones for his slingshot.

Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous preparing for battle

King Saul offered his armor to David. 'No, I’m not used to them,' said David.

Israelite king, older, fair skin, gray eyes, regal, Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous refuses armor

The Israelites watched as little David walked towards the giant with just his slingshot.

Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous approaching Giant warrior, tanned skin, dark eyes, intimidating, Israelites watch

Goliath laughed. 'Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?' he bellowed.

Giant warrior, tanned skin, dark eyes, intimidating mocks Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous, battle tension

But David was not afraid. 'The battle is the Lord's!' he shouted back.

Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous's reply, showing faith

David swung his slingshot. One stone flew fast and hit Goliath's forehead.

Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous uses slingshot, pivotal moment

The giant fell with a thunderous crash! Everyone was shocked.

Giant warrior, tanned skin, dark eyes, intimidating falls, shock and awe

The Israelites cheered for David. The little shepherd boy had saved them.

Israelites celebrate, Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous's victory

David showed that courage and faith are stronger than size and strength.

Closing moral, Young shepherd, brown skin, brown eyes, courageous triumphant

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think David felt when he first saw Goliath?
  • Why do you think David chose to fight Goliath without armor?
  • Can you think of a time when you had to be brave like David?

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