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Denzel and Daddy at Work

Denzel and Daddy are going to work together.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap and Caring and hardworking man wearing glasses get ready for work

Denzel helps Daddy with his big briefcase.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap helps Caring and hardworking man wearing glasses carry the briefcase

Denzel and Daddy meet their co-workers at the office.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap and Caring and hardworking man wearing glasses meet their office friends

Denzel and Daddy work together on important projects.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap and Caring and hardworking man wearing glasses working on projects

Denzel shares his ideas with the team.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap sharing ideas with his office team

Denzel and Daddy go to lunch with everyone.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap and Caring and hardworking man wearing glasses having lunch with friends

Denzel and Daddy help a new friend feel welcome.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap helping a new friend feel welcome

After a great day at work, Denzel and Daddy head home together.

Kind and helpful boy wearing a blue cap and Caring and hardworking man wearing glasses walking home after work

Reflection Questions

  • How did Denzel help Daddy at work?
  • What did Denzel do during lunchtime?
  • How did Denzel make the new friend feel welcome?

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