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Dino's Daring Day

Dino the dinosaur dashed through the dense, dark forest, dodging daring dragons.

Green, with big friendly eyes, and a big smile is running through the forest, with tall trees and a few dragons peeking out behind them.

He stumbled upon a shimmering, sparkling treasure chest and let out a dino-sized roar of excitement!

Green, with big friendly eyes, and a big smile is standing in front of a treasure chest, glimmering in the sunlight, with sparkles flying around as he roars.

Suddenly, the chest creaked open with a loud 'creak' and out burst a bouncy, blue balloon.

The chest has opened, and a big blue balloon flew out with a 'pop' and 'whoosh' sound.

Dino giggled as he grabbed the glistening balloon and began to bounce and boogie across the bright, beautiful meadow.

Green, with big friendly eyes, and a big smile is jumping and dancing in a sunny meadow, with colorful flowers and butterflies around him.

The balloon burst with a big 'pop,' but Dino kept dancing, not worried a bit!

The balloon has popped with a loud 'pop' sound, but Green, with big friendly eyes, and a big smile keeps dancing happily.

Feeling bold and brave, Dino made his way back to his cozy cave, ready for a peaceful rest.

Green, with big friendly eyes, and a big smile is walking back to his cave, which has a warm and cozy glow, ready to fall asleep.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Dino felt when he found the treasure chest?
  • What do you think Dino's cave looks like inside?
  • Dino found a balloon that burst. How do you think he felt then?

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