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Dino's Space Adventure

Dino, a green dinosaur, dreamed of going to space.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. dreams of space, standing beside rocket and stars

Dino built a rocket with a red seat and buttons.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. builds a rocket, holding a red seat

Dino put on a blue space suit and got ready.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. wears blue space suit, smiling happily

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, liftoff! The rocket soared high!

Rocket blasts off as A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. waves below

In space, Dino found colorful planets to explore.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. floats among planets, wide-eyed with wonder

Dino met friendly aliens who taught about their planets.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. talks to aliens about their colorful planets

Dino discovered that determination helps dreams come true.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. feels proud and determined, standing tall

After learning, Dino returned to Earth, full of knowledge.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. comes back to Earth with new knowledge

Dino shared stories of space with friends and family.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. shares stories, surrounded by friends and family

Now, Dino dreams of more adventures, always determined.

A green dinosaur with a friendly smile. dreams of more adventures, smiling and hopeful

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Dino want to go to space?
  • What did Dino learn from the aliens?
  • How did Dino feel after the space adventure?

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