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Dinosaur's Space Adventure

Dinosaur went to space to find a new home.

Green dinosaur with a purple backpack and hat. in a spaceship, looking out the window

The spaceship had a problem. The engine stopped working.

Green dinosaur with a purple backpack and hat. looking at the broken spaceship engine

Dinosaur tried to fix the engine but couldn't figure it out.

Green dinosaur with a purple backpack and hat. scratching its head, looking confused

Dinosaur asked its friends for help. They all brainstormed.

Green dinosaur with a purple backpack and hat. and its friends sitting together, thinking

They found a solution! Dinosaur fixed the engine with their help.

Green dinosaur with a purple backpack and hat. and its friends celebrating, engine working again

Dinosaur continued its space adventure, finding a perfect new home.

Green dinosaur with a purple backpack and hat. looking excited, pointing at a beautiful planet

Reflection Questions

  • How did Dinosaur solve the problem with the spaceship engine?
  • Why did Dinosaur ask its friends for help?
  • What did Dinosaur find at the end of its space adventure?

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