Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom far, far away, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily loved Disney movies and dreamed of being a princess. Every night, before she went to sleep, she would imagine herself in the enchanting worlds of her favorite fairy tales.
One night, as Lily closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, something extraordinary happened. She found herself standing in the middle of a beautiful forest. The trees were tall and lush, and colorful flowers bloomed all around her. It was like stepping into a scene from 'Sleeping Beauty.'
Lily twirled around, feeling like a true princess. Suddenly, she heard a soft voice calling her name. She turned around and saw a tiny fairy named Sparkle. Sparkle had shimmering wings and a sparkling dress, just like Tinker Bell from 'Peter Pan.'
Sparkle told Lily that she had the power to visit different Disney worlds in her dreams. Lily's eyes widened with excitement. She couldn't believe her luck! Sparkle took her hand and together they flew through the night sky, heading towards a castle in the distance.
As they approached the castle, Lily realized it was the iconic Cinderella Castle from 'Cinderella.' They landed in the grand ballroom, where Cinderella herself was twirling around in a beautiful gown. Lily joined her, feeling like a true princess.
Reflection Questions