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Dog Eating Banana

Once upon a time, there was a dog.

Fluffy brown dog with floppy ears sitting in a sunny park

The dog was very hungry.

Fluffy brown dog with floppy ears with a tummy rumbling

It saw a banana on the ground.

Yellow banana on the green grass

The dog picked up the banana.

Fluffy brown dog with floppy ears holding a yellow banana in its mouth

But the banana was too big for the dog's mouth.

Fluffy brown dog with floppy ears struggling to eat a large banana

The dog tried and tried.

Fluffy brown dog with floppy ears chewing a small piece of banana

Finally, the dog gave up.

Fluffy brown dog with floppy ears looking sad with a half-eaten banana

A squirrel saw the dog and the banana.

Small gray squirrel with a bushy tail looking curious at the dog

The squirrel ate the rest of the banana.

Small gray squirrel with a bushy tail happily munching on a banana

The dog and the squirrel became friends.

Fluffy brown dog with floppy ears and squirrel playing together in the park

Reflection Questions

  • How was the dog feeling when it saw the banana?
  • Why couldn't the dog eat the whole banana?
  • What happened to the rest of the banana?

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