I like dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, medium-sized dogs. All dogs.
I like dogs that bounce and bark, dogs that snooze from dawn to dark.
I like dogs with fluffy fur, dogs that skate and never purr.
Spotty dogs, dotty dogs, running through the yard. Glowing, knowing, always on guard.
Dogs that howl at the moon, dogs that dance a silly tune.
I like dogs that splash and swim, diving deep from limb to limb.
Some dogs zoom and some dogs bloom, always chasing dreams.
Some dogs short, some dogs tall, I like the ones that catch my ball.
And when the moon lights up the park, snuggly dogs steal my heart.
Big dogs, little dogs, all around, each one special, love unbound.
From spots to dots and wagging tails, dogs with drive and dogs with sails.
Dogs make life a joyful ride, with paws and barks and hearts so wide!
Reflection Questions