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Draco the Math Whiz Dragon

Once upon a time, in the land of Scaleville, there lived a small dragon named Draco. Unlike other dragons, Draco didn’t enjoy breathing fire or flying. He loved numbers! But there was one problem: he didn't know how to count properly. So, Draco decided that it was time to learn.

Introducing Small dragon, green scales, loves numbers, has sparkly eyes, a unique dragon who loves numbers, in his home, Scaleville.

Draco started by counting the stars every night. 'One, two, skip a few... ninety-nine, a hundred!' But that didn't seem right. Counting stars was hard because they always danced around. Draco needed something that wouldn’t move, so he thought, maybe he could count his own scales!

Small dragon, green scales, loves numbers, has sparkly eyes trying to count stars and realizing he needs something still to count.

Counting scales was tricky, but Draco tried his best. 'One, two, three...' he counted, touching each one with his claw. Before long, he reached one hundred, and for the first time, it felt right! But soon he realized he had way more scales. Too many to count in one day!

Small dragon, green scales, loves numbers, has sparkly eyes tries counting scales, finds out he has too many to count quickly.

The next day, at the Scaleville School, Mrs. Pythagoras, the wise owl teacher, saw Draco's passion for numbers. She said, 'Draco, why don't you join our math class?' Draco's eyes lit up like sparkly gems. He was going to learn more about his favorite thing: numbers!

Small dragon, green scales, loves numbers, has sparkly eyes is invited to join a math class by Wise owl, math teacher, wears glasses, brown feathers, the owl.

In class, Draco learned all about addition. He loved adding numbers together. 'Two plus two is four!' he giggled, tickled by the magic of math. 'Four scales plus four scales make eight scales!' Draco was having so much fun; he didn't want the class to end.

Small dragon, green scales, loves numbers, has sparkly eyes learning about addition and enjoying it.

Subtraction was next, and Draco thought it was just as exciting. 'If I have ten treasures and I give away three, I have seven treasures left!' Draco practiced with his treasure chest full of shiny things. He learned that math wasn't just in books, it was everywhere!

Small dragon, green scales, loves numbers, has sparkly eyes learns subtraction with his treasures, realizes math is everywhere.

Days turned into weeks, and Draco became a real math whiz. He could now count all his scales, and even help his friends with their math problems. 'Draco the Math Whiz Dragon' was what everyone called him. He was so proud and promised to always keep learning and have fun with numbers.

Small dragon, green scales, loves numbers, has sparkly eyes masters counting, becomes known as a math whiz, wants to keep learning.

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