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Durian Adventure

Dan loved fruits, but one fruit was quite odd. It was durian!

Introduction to Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit and the durian, at home

He wrinkled his nose. 'Phew!' he exclaimed, 'What's that smell?'

Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit reacts to the smell of durian, in the kitchen

Mom smiled and said, 'That's durian, sweet but stinky. Want to try?'

Kindly woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, encouraging introduces Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit to durian, engaging with him

Dan hesitated, then nodded. He would be brave and try the fruit.

Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit decides to taste the durian, showing courage

He peeled the spiky skin and found rich, creamy flesh inside.

Discovery of what's inside durian, a sensory exploration

'Hmm,' Dan mused, 'It tastes better than it smells!'

Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit discovers the unexpected taste of durian

Mom laughed. 'Durian can be surprising. Some people love it!'

Kindly woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, encouraging explains different opinions about durian, giving perspective

At school, Dan told his friends about the 'strange fruit' adventure.

Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit shares his experience with friends, at school

'Eww, stinky!' they giggled. But Dan just smiled proudly.

Friends react to the story; Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit shows pride in his experience

'Wanna try some?' Dan offered, pulling out a small container.

Curious boy with brown hair and green eyes, adventurous spirit offers durian to friends, showcasing generosity

Some friends grimaced, but others were curious and tried a piece.

Friends’ mixed reactions to trying durian

They chewed thoughtfully. 'It's not so bad,' they admitted.

Friends agree that durian is a surprising discovery

Durian had brought them all a new, fun experience together!

Conclusion, highlighting the shared adventure and camaraderie

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Dan initially reacted to durian the way he did?
  • How can trying new foods be similar to making new friends?
  • What can we learn about other people's preferences from Dan's story?

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