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Ellie the Early Bird

Once upon a time, in a cozy nest high in a bright green tree, lived a little bird named Ellie. Every morning, Ellie would wake up with the sun and sing a happy tune. She loved to start her day early, when the world was quiet and peaceful.

Introducing Small bird, bright feathers, big eyes, very cheerful, a bird in her nest, early morning

One bright morning, Ellie decided she wanted to find the juiciest worm for breakfast. She knew she had to be the first to leave her nest while the morning dew was still on the leaves.

Small bird, bright feathers, big eyes, very cheerful's decision to find a worm, early morning

Ellie flapped her little wings as fast as she could and flew down to the garden. She looked around with her sharp eyes and saw many of her bird friends still asleep in their nests.

Small bird, bright feathers, big eyes, very cheerful flying to the garden, friends asleep

Suddenly, she spotted something wiggling on the ground. It was a big, plump worm! Ellie swooped down and gently picked it up with her beak. She was so proud of herself for waking up early!

Small bird, bright feathers, big eyes, very cheerful spotting and catching the worm

As Ellie sat enjoying her breakfast, her friends started to wake up. They saw Ellie with the worm and realized that because she was an early bird, she got the best treat.

Friends wake up, notice Small bird, bright feathers, big eyes, very cheerful's success

From that day on, more and more of Ellie's friends decided to wake up with the sun just like her. They all wanted to be early birds who could find the best worms!

Friends decide to wake up early too

Ellie was happy to see her friends in the early morning. They would all sing together and search for worms. And Ellie would always remember that being an early bird was a really good thing.

Small bird, bright feathers, big eyes, very cheerful and friends enjoy the morning, happy ending

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