Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Arendelle, there lived a young princess named Elsa. Elsa had a special gift - she could create beautiful ice and snow with just a touch of her hand. But there was something else that Elsa loved even more than her icy powers - music. She had a voice that could melt hearts and a talent for playing the piano.
One day, Elsa discovered a hidden room in the castle. Inside, she found an old, dusty piano covered in cobwebs. As she gently touched the keys, a magical melody filled the air. The piano was enchanted! It could bring any song to life, making the music dance and swirl around the room.
Excited by her discovery, Elsa spent hours playing the piano and creating enchanting melodies. The music would make the flowers bloom, the birds sing, and even the snowflakes dance. It was as if the whole kingdom came alive with the power of her music.
Word of Elsa's melodic magic spread throughout the kingdom, and soon people from far and wide came to hear her play. They would gather in the castle courtyard, mesmerized by the beautiful music that filled the air. Elsa's music brought joy and happiness to everyone who listened.
But one day, a wicked sorceress named Morgana heard about Elsa's magical piano. Jealous of Elsa's talent, Morgana decided to steal the piano for herself. She snuck into the castle and took the enchanted instrument, leaving Elsa heartbroken.
Reflection Questions