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Entre Amigos: Histórias de Conexão e Apoio
Entre Amigos: Histórias de Conexão e Apoio
Jonas acordou cedo. Hoje foi especial. Ele mal podia esperar para conhecer seus amigos. Jonas woke up early. Today was special. He couldn’t wait to meet his pals.
Brown hair, green eyes, adventurous in his bedroom, an excited start, hint of event.
Ele se vestiu rapidamente, vestindo sua camisa verde favorita e calça jeans. He dressed quickly, wearing his favorite green shirt and blue jeans.
Brown hair, green eyes, adventurous, green shirt, blue jeans, getting ready.
No parque, Sara ficou perto do balanço. Ela acenou quando o viu. At the park, Sara stood near the swing. She waved when she saw him.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, cheerful at the park, waving to Brown hair, green eyes, adventurous.
Eles começaram nos balanços. Jonas empurrou Sara e eles riram. They started on the swings. Jonas pushed Sara, and they laughed.
Brown hair, green eyes, adventurous and Blonde hair, blue eyes, cheerful on the swings, laughing.
Em seguida, eles viram Lucas perto da caixa de areia. Ele tinha um caminhão vermelho. Next, they saw Lucas by the sandbox. He had a red truck.
Black hair, brown eyes, playful with a red truck near the sandbox.
Jonas se juntou a Lucas. Eles construíram estradas e túneis com areia. Jonas joined Lucas. They built roads and tunnels with the sand.
Brown hair, green eyes, adventurous and Black hair, brown eyes, playful playing in the sandbox.
Perto dali, Ana estava lendo um livro debaixo de uma árvore. Nearby, Ana was reading a book under a tree.
Red hair, green eyes, calm reading under a tree at the park.
O sol estava quente e os pássaros cantavam. Todos se sentiram felizes. The sun was warm, and birds sang. Everyone felt happy.
Warm sunny day, birds singing, happy mood.
Sara correu para Ana. 'Posso ler com você?' ela perguntou. Sara ran to Ana. ‘Can I read with you?’ she asked.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, cheerful asking Red hair, green eyes, calm to join reading under tree.
Ana sorriu e assentiu. Eles se sentaram juntos, compartilhando a história. Ana smiled and nodded. They sat together, sharing the story.
Red hair, green eyes, calm and Blonde hair, blue eyes, cheerful reading together under tree.
Lucas gritou: 'Venha brincar de esconde-esconde!' Todos concordaram. Lucas called out, ‘Come play hide and seek!’ They all agreed.
Black hair, brown eyes, playful suggesting hide and seek, friends agreeing.
Eles correram e se esconderam, rindo e procurando. O parque parecia mágico. They ran and hid, laughing and searching. The park felt magical.
Friends playing hide and seek, laughter.

Perguntas para reflexão

  • O que Jonas vestiu para ir ao parque?
  • Quem estava lendo um livro debaixo de uma árvore?
  • Que jogo Lucas sugeriu que jogassem?

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