In the vast expanse of the deep blue sea lived a unique shark named Finley. Unlike other sharks known for their ferocity, Finley was a gentle soul with a peculiar habit—he loved brushing his teeth.
Every morning at the break of dawn, when the ocean shimmered with the first rays of sunlight, Finley would swim to a secluded coral reef where a small underwater cave provided him solitude.
Inside the cave, nestled among colorful sea anemones and swaying seaweed, was a treasure chest that he had found long ago.
But it wasn't gold or jewels that interested Finley. Inside the chest, hidden beneath a pile of shiny shells, was his prized possession—a toothbrush.
It was no ordinary toothbrush; its bristles were made from the softest strands of seaweed, carefully harvested from the ocean floor. The handle was crafted from smooth coral, shaped perfectly to fit Finley's fin.
With meticulous care, Finley would take out his toothbrush, squeeze a dollop of seaweed-flavored toothpaste (his favorite!), and begin to brush.
As he brushed, Finley would hum a happy tune. 'Brushy, brushy, brush, it's never a rush!'
The sound of the toothpaste—swish, swish, swish—echoed gently through the cave.
Other sea creatures often swam by to greet him. 'Good morning, Finley!' the crabs and clams would say.
'Good morning, friends!' Finley replied with a gleaming smile.
One day, a curious clownfish named Cleo asked, 'Finley, why do you love brushing your teeth so much?'
'Well,' said Finley, 'a healthy smile keeps me feeling fine, and my teeth shine bright like a coral sunshine!'
Reflection Questions