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Finn the Fish Discovers Land

Finn the fish swam in the sea, but he dreamed of skipping on the sand oh so free!

Underwater, Shiny blue scales, big bright eyes, and a cheerful grin is happily swimming, surrounded by colorful coral and seaweed.

Zip zap, off Finn went, looking for a way to fulfill his fishy plan.

Finn is swimming fast, his scales shimmering under the sunlight, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Splash! Finn found a magical cave with a talking crab who proclaimed, 'On land you shall go!'

In a sparkly cave, Finn is chatting with a jolly crab, surrounded by glowing seashells and a mystical glow.

Trek and tickle, onto the shore, Finn flops and flops, craving more and more!

Finn is leaping onto the sandy shore, flapping and wiggling with glee, surrounded by seagulls and crashing waves.

Squeak and squawk, Finn felt so odd, missing the sea, his heart gave a nod.

Finn looks lost and confused on the beach, surrounded by puzzled crabs, as the sun sets in the distance.

Back to his ocean, Finn swiftly swam, knowing his home was where he truly jammed!

Finn is diving into the glittering sea, smiling among his fish friends, with colorful fish darting everywhere.

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Finn wanted to live on land?
  • How do you think Finn felt when he realized he missed the sea?
  • What do you think Finn learned from his adventure?

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