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Flinn the Fearful Ghost

In a small, cozy attic, Flinn the ghost lived alone. He was very shy.

Introducing Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent, a ghost in a cozy attic, alone and shy.

Flinn was scared of loud noises. Even the creak of the floor made him jump!

Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent's fear of loud noises is depicted.

One stormy night, Flinn heard a loud thump. He hid under an old blanket.

Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent is frightened by a thump during a storm, hides for safety.

The thump was just a book that had fallen. Flinn peeked out and sighed in relief.

Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent discovers the harmless source of his fear, a fallen book.

Every day, Flinn watched children playing outside, laughing and having fun.

Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent envies the children playing outside, desires friendship.

Flinn wished he could play too, but he was too afraid to leave the attic.

Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent's wish to join the children, his fear keeping him inside.

One day, a brave little girl named Emma climbed to the attic. 'Hello?' she called.

Introduction of Brave little girl, brown hair, green eyes, friendly smile, a brave girl, who encounters Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent in the attic.

Flinn wanted to hide, but something about Emma's voice was comforting.

Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent's instinct to hide changes as he finds comfort in Brave little girl, brown hair, green eyes, friendly smile's voice.

Slowly, Flinn showed himself. 'Hi, I'm Emma. Want to be friends?' she asked.

Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent reveals himself to Brave little girl, brown hair, green eyes, friendly smile, who offers friendship.

Flinn nodded. With a friend, he felt a little less fearful.

Acceptance of friendship, Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent starts to feel braver with Brave little girl, brown hair, green eyes, friendly smile.

Together, they read the book that had fallen. Flinn forgot to be frightened.

Shared activity, reading, helps Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent overcome his fear.

Now, Flinn plays with the children outside. He's the happiest ghost around!

Transformation, Shy ghost, white with big, comforting eyes, slightly transparent now plays outside, overcoming his fears.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Flinn felt when he heard loud noises, and why?
  • What made Emma different that she was able to help Flinn overcome his fears?
  • What can you do to be a good friend to someone who is shy or scared?

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