Once in a forest, there was a cozy house.
In the house, lived Daddy Bear, Mommy Bear, and Baby Bear.
One morning, they made porridge but it was too hot to eat right away.
So they went for a morning walk to let it cool.
While they were gone, a girl named Goldilocks found the house.
She was lost, hungry, and her curiosity led her inside.
Goldilocks found the porridge and tasted each one.
First was too hot, then too cold, but the last one was just right, so she ate it.
Then she found three chairs and sat in each to rest.
The first was too hard, the second too soft, but the last was just right.
But the chair broke! She felt sorry and looked for a place to rest.
Upstairs, she found three beds, tried them, and fell asleep in the comfy little bed.
Reflection Questions