In a cozy forest cottage, Goldilocks with sunny locks peeked out the window, dreaming of adventures.
She wandered into the woods, humming melodies, her heart open to the wonders ahead.
Deeper into the forest, a quaint house appeared. She tiptoed closer, curiosity piqued.
The door was ajar. Inside, three bowls of porridge cooled on the table.
Goldilocks tasted the biggest bowl. 'Too hot!' she exclaimed, hopping to the next.
'Brrr! Too cold!' she shivered, giving the smallest bowl a try.
The middle bowl was perfect. Goldilocks sighed with content, feeling a pang of guilt.
Now tired, she found three chairs. The first two were too large or too tall.
The smallest chair cradled her snugly, but with a creak, it splintered beneath her.
Goldilocks dashed upstairs, finding three beds, her eyelids heavy.
She dozed off in the comfiest bed, golden hair fanned out like a halo.
The bears came home, finding the remnants of her presence and their broken things.
Reflection Questions