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Good Night Princess Barbie Doll

Once upon a time, in a sparkly pink castle, Princess Barbie Doll was getting ready for bed.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress, sparkly tiara getting ready for bed in a sparkly pink castle.

She brushed her long, golden hair and put on her favorite pink pajamas with fluffy slippers.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress, sparkly tiara brushing her long, golden hair and wearing pink pajamas.

Princess Barbie Doll yawned and decided to read a book about adventures in faraway lands.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress, sparkly tiara yawning and reading a book about adventures.

As she read, her magical unicorn, Sparkle, lay next to her, softly snoring and dreaming of rainbows.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress, sparkly tiara reading with her magical unicorn, White unicorn with a glittering horn, bright blue eyes, snoring and dreaming.

After finishing the story, Princess Barbie Doll tiptoed to the window to say goodnight to the twinkling stars.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress, sparkly tiara tiptoeing to the window to say goodnight to the twinkling stars.

She whispered, 'Goodnight stars, goodnight moon, goodnight everyone, I'll see you all again soon!'

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress, sparkly tiara whispering goodnight to the stars and moon.

Princess Barbie Doll snuggled into her soft bed and drifted off to dreamland, where more magical adventures awaited.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, pink dress, sparkly tiara snuggling into bed and drifting off to dreamland.

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