Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy, lived a purple creature named Grimace. One day, Grimace found a shiny spaceship hidden behind a tall tree. Excitedly, he hopped aboard and took off into outer space.
As Grimace was flying through the stars, he noticed a distress signal coming from a nearby planet. He landed his spaceship and discovered a group of friendly aliens whose spaceship had broken down. Grimace used his strong arms to help fix their ship and send them on their way.
Continuing his space adventure, Grimace encountered a mischievous space creature who was stealing stars from the sky. Grimace used his quick thinking and kind heart to convince the creature that stealing was wrong, and they returned the stars to their rightful places.
With a grateful and happy heart, Grimace flew back home, knowing he made a difference in the galaxy. As he climbed into bed, ready for a good night's sleep, he whispered to the stars, 'Thank you for an amazing space adventure!'
Reflection Questions