Once upon a time, there were two siblings named Hansel and Gretel. They lived with their father and stepmother in a small cottage near the woods. One day, their stepmother decided they had too little food and told their father to take the children into the forest and leave them there.
As they walked deeper into the forest, Hansel thought ahead and dropped white pebbles on the ground. These pebbles formed a trail, guiding them back home. Left alone in the woods, the children stumbled upon a magical gingerbread house. Ravenously hungry, they began to eat the house.
The house belonged to a wicked witch who loved to eat children. She locked Hansel in a cage and made Gretel work. However, clever Gretel outsmarted the witch and pushed her into the oven instead. The children found a box full of treasure and used it to find their way back home.
When they reached home, their stepmother had left. Hansel and Gretel hugged their father tightly and shared their adventure. They lived happily ever after, never forgetting the lessons they learned in the forest.
Reflection Questions