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Hapy and the Magical Wand

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Hapy.

A joyful boy with a wide smile and colorful clothes, a smiling boy dressed in bright colors

One day, Hapy ventured into a mysterious pyramid.

A joyful boy with a wide smile and colorful clothes entering a pyramid with glowing golden walls

To his surprise, Hapy found a magical wand inside!

A joyful boy with a wide smile and colorful clothes holding a sparkling wand with stars and swirls

The wand granted Hapy three wishes.

A joyful boy with a wide smile and colorful clothes making a wish while the wand glows with magic

Hapy wished for a friendly robot, a cute little puppy, and a toy train.

A joyful boy with a wide smile and colorful clothes surrounded by a robot, a puppy, and a colorful train

Reflection Questions

  • What did Hapy find inside the pyramid?
  • What were the three wishes that Hapy made?
  • What makes Hapy happy?

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