Once upon a time in the vibrant town of Fruittopia, there lived a spunky and imaginative girl named Healthy Holly.
Holly had a special gift - the Honesty Helm. This magical helmet would glow whenever someone told a lie.
One sunny day, Holly's best friend, Playful Pete, invited her to a candy store. Excitement filled the air!
In the candy store, Pete grabbed a handful of sugary treats and quickly hid them in his pocket, but the Honesty Helm caught him red-handed!
Holly felt torn. She loved her friend but knew she had to be honest. Taking a deep breath, she said, 'Pete, I love you, but stealing is wrong.'
'You're right, Holly,' Pete admitted, his face turning red. 'I shouldn't have taken the candy. I'm sorry.' They returned the stolen candy to the store owner.
Reflection Questions