The heart's vigorous pumping maintains a steady rhythm crucial for life.
The lungs expand and contract to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
Arteries and veins are the conduits for blood flow throughout the body.
Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues.
The heart is essential for circulating blood and nutrients in the body.
Lungs exchange gases between air and blood, playing a critical role in respiration.
In the lungs, oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is released in alveoli.
The heart acts as a pump sending oxygenated blood through the body via vessels.
Heart and lung functions are interdependent in the body's physiological timekeeping.
The respiratory system collects oxygen, necessary for cellular metabolism.
Enlightenment on their functions empowers the heart and lungs to work effectively.
Cardio and Respira illustrate the harmony of the circulatory and respiratory systems.