In the quiet town of Clewiston, there lived three friends with secret powers.
Alexis had the power to become invisible. He helped people without being seen.
Kevin was strong. With his short hair moving in the wind, he lifted cars easily.
Sam, who had curly hair, could fly. His rockets zoomed as he soared in the sky.
One day, the evil LaBellions came to attack the peaceful Clewiston.
The friends knew they had to act. They wore their capes and prepared for the fight.
The LaBellions were tough, but the heroes fought bravely. Kevin pushed with all his might.
Alexis used his stealth to trick the villains. He was clever and quick.
Sam swooped down from the sky, dodging attacks with his incredible flight.
Together, they pushed the LaBellions back, saving their beloved town.
Even though the city has been damaged in the fight, the town cheered for the heroes who had saved the day.
The friends knew the LaBellions would return, but they were ready to protect Clewiston. The people in the city had a lot of work to do, but by helping each other, they knew they would be ready.
Reflection Questions