Once upon a moonlit night, there lived a rabbit named Riley who dreamed of hopping to the moon. His best friend, Harvey the horse, was always up for an adventure.
One day, Riley said, 'Harvey, let's leap to the luminous moon!' Harvey neighed with glee, 'What a brilliant idea, Riley! Let's gallop to the galaxy!'
They packed a picnic of carrots and hay, and set off on their starry way. But oh no, on the ground they saw, an army of cockroaches—ick and eek!
The cockroaches chittered and chattered, 'You cannot pass unless you flatter!' Riley thought quick and said with a grin, 'Oh, cockroaches, you're the stars on Earth’s skin!'
The cockroaches giggled and moved aside, 'What a clever rabbit, enjoy your ride!'
Harvey and Riley continued their quest, hopping and trotting with zest. They soon reached a river, shiny and bright, reflecting the moon in the night.
'How do we cross?' Riley asked with worry. 'On my back!' said Harvey, 'Let’s hurry!' With a mighty leap and a splash, through the river they made a dash.
On the other side, they shook off the wet, 'To the moon we go, we won't fret!' But suddenly, a roar did sound, 'Who dares step on my ground?!'
It was Draco, the dragon bold. His scales shimmered like gold. 'We mean no harm, dear Draco, you see. We’re on a moon mission, Riley and me.'
Draco gave a hearty chuckle, 'You’re brave, I can tell. Fly like me, I wish you well!' With a flap and a flip, Draco soared high, leading Riley and Harvey to the sky.
Higher and higher they climbed, past the stars that twinkled and chimed. At last, the moon was in their sight, glowing and beaming so bright.
'We did it, Harvey!' Riley cried, 'The moon's cheese we'll slide!' They danced and skipped on the moon's surface, with joy and cheer, their hearts did burst.
Reflection Questions