Once upon a time, in a village surrounded by dense forests, two mischievous friends, Chanku and Manku, embark on an exciting adventure. They love exploring and seeking thrills in the unknown. One sunny morning, they hear a tale of a horrifying mummy haunting the village. Without giving it a second thought, they look at each other and exclaim, 'We must solve this mystery!'
Armed with their wits and a determination to protect their village, Chanku and Manku venture into the dark forest. As they tread cautiously, they come across eerie sounds and mysterious whispers. Suddenly, a pair of glowing eyes appear in the distance. It's the mumy! Chanku whispers, 'We must find a way to defeat it.' Manku nods in agreement, 'Let's use our problem-solving skills!'
Thinking quickly, Chanku grabs a shiny mirror from his backpack. He says, 'Everyone knows that mumies fear their own reflection!' Manku grins, 'And I've got a clever plan!' They position the mirror strategically, reflecting the mumy's terrifying gaze back onto itself. The mumy stumbles backward, disoriented and frightened.
With their quick thinking and teamwork, Chanku and Manku chase the mumy away from the village, saving the day. The village people cheer, grateful for their bravery. Chanku and Manku proudly exclaim, 'We did it! We solved the mystery and protected our village!'
From that day forward, Chanku and Manku became known as the fearless problem solvers of the village. They learned the importance of being resourceful, thinking rationally, and working together as a team. And whenever new challenges emerged, they were always ready to face them head-on!
Reflection Questions