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Humphrey's Harmonious Hiccups

Humphrey the hedgehog had a problem. A very BIG, very PRICKLY problem. He couldn't stop HICCUPING!

A small brown hedgehog with wide eyes hiccuping

Every HIC! sent a shiver down his spines. Every CUP! made him jump with surprise. And every HIC-CUP! echoed through his tiny hedgehog house.

The hedgehog's house shaking from the hiccups

"Oh dear," he sighed. "These hiccups are simply unbearable! I won't be able to practice my piano piece!"

A sad hedgehog looking at a tiny piano

You see, Humphrey wasn't just ANY hedgehog. He was a musical hedgehog, a regular Mozart of the meadows!

A hedgehog wearing a tiny Mozart wig and holding a conductor's baton

He dreamed of playing his tickly tune at the annual Forest Talent Show. But how could he play with these HICCUPS?!

A poster for the Forest Talent Show with a hedgehog silhouette playing the piano

First, Humphrey tried holding his breath. He puffed himself up like a prickly balloon... but HIC-CUP! It didn't work!

A hedgehog puffed up like a balloon with its cheeks puffed out

Then, he tried drinking a glass of water upside down. He stood on his head, water tickling his nose... but HIC-CUP! Still hiccuping!

A hedgehog upside down, drinking water with its feet in the air

Poor Humphrey felt like his hiccups would never end. He curled into a ball of prickly sadness, his piano dreams fading away.

A hedgehog curled into a ball, looking sad next to a miniature piano

Suddenly, he heard a gentle knock at the door. "Humphrey, dear!" chirped a voice. It was Beatrice, the bakery-owning badger.

A badger wearing an apron and holding a tray of pastries knocking on the hedgehog's door

"Beatrice!" Humphrey exclaimed between hiccups. "What brings you here?" Beatrice chuckled, "I heard those hiccups clear from my bakery!"

A badger holding a plate of cookies, smiling down at a hiccuping hedgehog

"Try one of my blackberry blast cookies!" she chirped, offering him a plate. "They cure everything from sniffles to sorrows!"

Close-up on a plate of delicious-looking cookies with blackberry filling

Humphrey nibbled a cookie. It was sweet, tart, and oh-so-delicious! He took another bite, and then another. And guess what?

A hedgehog with crumbs on its face, happily munching on a cookie

The hiccups were GONE! Humphrey raced to his piano, his heart filled with joy. He practiced his piece, his paws dancing over the keys.

A hedgehog enthusiastically playing the piano with sheet music on the stand

At the Forest Talent Show, Humphrey tickled the ivories with a song as bright and cheery as Beatrice's cookies. The whole forest swayed to his music.

A hedgehog playing a grand piano on a stage decorated with forest foliage, with animal spectators watching

From that day on, Humphrey always kept a stash of Beatrice's blackberry blast cookies close at hand. Just in case of a hiccup emergency, of course!

A hedgehog winking at the viewer, holding a jar of cookies and a piano score

Reflection Questions

  • How did Humphrey feel when his hiccups wouldn't go away?
  • Why was Beatrice's visit important to Humphrey?
  • What lesson did Humphrey learn about friendship?

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