Once upon a time, in a small town called Greenhill, lived a young boy named Izaan. Izaan was a boy of 8 years old who had a big dream - he wanted to become a football player. Every day, he would go to the park with his friends and they would spend hours kicking the ball around, practicing their skills and having fun.
Izaan was a determined and focused boy. He would always pay attention during his football practice and never got distracted. Even if he fell down or got hurt, he would never cry. He believed that the key to success was to stay strong and never give up, no matter what. This made Izaan different from others.
One day, Izaan's coach noticed his passion and dedication towards football. He decided to give Izaan a chance to play in a real football match. Izaan was thrilled and excited! He practiced hard for days, making sure he would give his best during the match.
The day of the match finally arrived. Izaan stood on the field, ready to show everyone his skills. The crowd cheered as he ran towards the goal, kicked the ball with all his might, and scored a fantastic goal! The feeling of making his dreams come true was indescribable. Izaan knew then that he was born to be a football player.
Reflection Questions