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Jacob's Change of Heart

In the cozy town deli, Jacob scowled behind the counter. Heather approached timidly to buy bread.

Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning is grumpy at the deli, Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy is purchasing bread.

Jacob snapped at Heather, 'Pick faster!' Heather's hands trembled, choosing the loaf.

Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning is impatient, Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy feels rushed.

Heather whispered, 'Sorry...' but Jacob grumbled under his breath, ignoring her apology.

Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy apologizes, Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning is dismissive.

Another day, Heather watched as Jacob argued with Mrs. Pauley, who left upset.

Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning argues with another customer, Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy observes.

Jacob, poking at the cash register angrily, didn't notice Heather's concerned look.

Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning is frustrated with the register, Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy is worried.

Heather decided to talk to Mrs. Linda, the bakery owner, about Jacob's behavior.

Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy confides in the bakery owner.

Mrs. Linda listened carefully. 'Thank you, Heather. I'll speak with Jacob tomorrow.'

Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy shares her concerns, Mrs. Linda is attentive.

The next morning, Heather heard Mrs. Linda and Jacob talking in hushed voices.

Mrs. Linda discusses the issue with Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning.

When Jacob came out, his eyes seemed less mean. He caught Heather's gaze and nodded.

Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning appears changed, acknowledges Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy.

Heather tentatively approached the deli counter. 'One loaf of whole wheat, please.'

Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy is at the deli counter, ordering bread.

To her surprise, Jacob smiled. 'Of course! And Heather, I'm sorry for before.'

Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning is kinder, apologizes to Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy.

Heather smiled back, feeling the deli was a warmer place with Jacob's change of heart.

Tall man with dark hair, brown eyes, usually frowning and Young girl, light brown hair, green eyes, shy reconcile, warm atmosphere in the deli.

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Jacob was mean at first?
  • How might Heather have felt when Jacob yelled at her?
  • What changed Jacob's behavior, and how does it make you feel?

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