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Jamal and Tasha's Dream
El sueño de Jamal y Tasha
Once upon a time, in a bustling city, lived two bright African American kids, Jamal and Tasha. Érase una vez, en una ciudad bulliciosa, vivían dos brillantes niños afroamericanos, Jamal y Tasha.
Jamal and Tasha smiling and waving
They were siblings, full of passion and dreams of becoming entrepreneurs. Eran hermanos, llenos de pasión y sueños de convertirse en empresarios.
Jamal and Tasha with a lemonade stand, selling lemonades
Their grandfather, a hardworking man, didn't have much material wealth but was rich in love. Su abuelo, un hombre trabajador, no tenía muchas riquezas materiales pero era rico en amor.
Grandfather hugging Jamal and Tasha
He taught them the value of hard work, kindness, and resilience. Les enseñó el valor del trabajo duro, la bondad y la resiliencia.
Grandfather pointing to a bee working hard on a flower
Jamal and Tasha were deeply involved in computers and apps. Jamal y Tasha estaban profundamente involucrados en computadoras y aplicaciones.
Jamal and Tasha sitting at a computer, smiling
They would spend hours learning new coding languages and creating fun, interactive games. Pasarían horas aprendiendo nuevos lenguajes de codificación y creando juegos divertidos e interactivos.
Jamal and Tasha holding a computer with code lines and a game on the screen
Their grandfather would often say, 'Your mind is your greatest asset. Invest in it, and it will reward you.' Su abuelo solía decir: 'Tu mente es tu mayor activo. Invierte en él y te recompensará.
Grandfather pointing to his head with a lightbulb above
Inspired, they decided to learn about investing. Inspirados, decidieron aprender sobre inversiones.
Jamal and Tasha reading a book about investing, holding piggy banks
They started with a lemonade stand, learning about profits, losses, and customer service. Comenzaron con un puesto de limonada, aprendiendo sobre ganancias, pérdidas y servicio al cliente.
Jamal and Tasha with a lemonade stand, exchanging money with customers
They saved every penny they earned, dreaming of investing in their own tech startup one day. Ahorraron cada centavo que ganaron, soñando con invertir en su propia empresa tecnológica algún día.
Jamal and Tasha dropping coins into a piggy bank, looking at a poster of a tech startup
Jamal and Tasha believed in looking after the less fortunate. Jamal y Tasha creían en cuidar a los menos afortunados.
Jamal and Tasha sharing their lunch with a smile
They would share their lunch with those who had none and stood up for them, with a theme of confidence. Compartían su almuerzo con los que no tenían y los defendían, con un tema de confianza.
Jamal and Tasha giving lunch to a friend, standing up to bullies together

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Jamal and Tasha want to become entrepreneurs?
  • What did their grandfather teach them?
  • How did Jamal and Tasha help those who had none?

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