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Jenny's Food Adventure

Jenny loved fast food. Burgers and fries were her favorite!

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing in her kitchen, imagining a burger and fries.

Every day, she ate fast food for lunch. It was quick and yummy.

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing eating fast food at school.

One day, Jenny felt tired and slow. She wondered why.

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing at school, looking sluggish and deep in thought.

Her teacher talked about healthy food. 'Fruits and veggies give you energy!' she said.

Teacher explaining healthy food in the classroom.

Jenny thought, 'Maybe fast food is not good for me every day.'

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing pondering over her eating habits.

She decided to try something new. She had an apple and liked it!

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing eating an apple and smiling.

Next, Jenny tried carrots. Crunchy! She liked those too.

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing trying carrots and enjoying the crunch.

Jenny started eating fruits and veggies every day. She felt great!

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing vibrant and energetic after eating healthy.

She still ate fast food, but not every day. Balance is key!

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing happy, choosing between fast food and healthy options.

Jenny learned to take care of her health. She felt responsible and proud.

A cheerful girl with brown hair, blue eyes, loves colorful clothing with a basket of fruits and veggies, looking proud and healthy.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Jenny felt after eating fast food every day?
  • What changes did Jenny notice when she started eating healthily?
  • Why is it important to have a balanced diet?

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