Once upon a time, in a magical land called Letterland, there lived a hero named Joe. Joe had a special robe that allowed him to float over the globe. He loved exploring new places and discovering hidden treasures.
One sunny day, while Joe was flying high above the land, he noticed a mysterious code written on a cloud. Curiosity sparked in his eyes as he followed the code's trail, leading him to a secret treasure trove.
As Joe entered the treasure trove, he saw bones, stones, and cones scattered all around. But something caught his attention. It was a giant mole, guarding the treasure! Joe knew he had to be careful and find a way to avoid the mole.
Thinking quickly, Joe spotted a noble horse nearby. With a leap of faith, he hopped on the horse's back and rode away from the mole. The horse galloped swiftly, carrying Joe to safety.
As Joe continued his journey, he stumbled upon a book that taught him about the silent 'e' at the end of words. He learned that the silent 'e' gives special powers to the letters before it. For example, the silent 'e' makes the 'o' in 'bone' say its name, creating the long 'o' sound.