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Joy's Adventure

Joy and her parents traveled to a new country.

Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile and parents on an airplane

They arrived in a place with many colorful buildings.

Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile and parents in front of colorful buildings

Joy saw children playing and joined their game.

Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile playing with girlren of different ethnicities

They all taught Joy their favorite games.

girlren playing various games together happily

Joy learned to say hello in different languages.

Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile saying hello with people from different countries

A boy named Ali taught Joy how to make paper boats.

Dark-haired boy with glasses, wearing a green shirt teaching Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile to make paper boats, colorful paper around

Joy invited everyone to a picnic by the ocean.

Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile and friends having a picnic by the ocean

They ate food from different countries and had fun.

girlren eating international food and laughing

Joy thanked her new friends and promised to keep in touch.

Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile waving goodbye to her friends

Joy realized friendships are everywhere, no matter where you go.

Blonde girl with a blue dress and a big smile surrounded by diverse friends and feeling happy

Reflection Questions

  • What did Joy learn from her new friends?
  • What game did Ali teach Joy to play?
  • Why did Joy invite everyone to a picnic?

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