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Kavya and the Unicorn
काव्या और यूनिकॉर्न
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Kavya. एक समय की बात है, काव्या नाम की एक लड़की थी।
Curly-haired girl with a pink dress and a big smile sitting on a green grassy field.
Kavya loved to talk and make new friends. काव्या को बात करना और नए दोस्त बनाना बहुत पसंद था।
Curly-haired girl with a pink dress and a big smile smiling and talking to different animals.
One day, Kavya met a magical unicorn with sparkly fur. एक दिन, काव्या की मुलाकात चमकदार बालों वाले एक जादुई गेंडा से हुई।
Curly-haired girl with a pink dress and a big smile and the unicorn standing beside a rainbow.
The unicorn's name was Sparkle, and she loved to listen. यूनिकॉर्न का नाम स्पार्कल था और उसे सुनना बहुत पसंद था।
Magical unicorn with rainbow-colored fur and a shiny horn the unicorn with a shiny horn and purple mane.
Kavya and Sparkle spent their days exploring together. काव्या और स्पार्कल ने अपने दिन एक साथ खोजबीन में बिताए।
Curly-haired girl with a pink dress and a big smile and Magical unicorn with rainbow-colored fur and a shiny horn flying over a beautiful forest.
Whenever Kavya had something on her mind, she would tell Sparkle. जब भी काव्या के मन में कुछ होता तो वह स्पार्कल को बता देती।
Curly-haired girl with a pink dress and a big smile whispering her thoughts to Magical unicorn with rainbow-colored fur and a shiny horn in a meadow.
Sparkle always listened carefully and understood Kavya's feelings. स्पार्कल हमेशा ध्यान से सुनता था और काव्या की भावनाओं को समझता था।
Magical unicorn with rainbow-colored fur and a shiny horn nodding and smiling while Curly-haired girl with a pink dress and a big smile talks.
Kavya and Sparkle became the best of friends, thanks to their positive communication. अपने सकारात्मक संचार की बदौलत काव्या और स्पार्कल सबसे अच्छे दोस्त बन गए।
Curly-haired girl with a pink dress and a big smile and Magical unicorn with rainbow-colored fur and a shiny horn hugging and laughing under a bright sun.

Reflection Questions

  • What was the name of the unicorn?
  • What did Kavya and Sparkle like to do together?
  • Why was their friendship special?

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