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Kayla and the Gymnastics Adventure

Kayla is a 3-year-old girl who loves gymnastics. She practices every day and is very good at it. Her sister Aliya is also a gymnast.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard and Straight black hair, energetic, wearing a purple leotard practicing gymnastics, colorful leotards

Kayla is the best in her gymnastics class. She can do flips, jumps, and cartwheels. Her friends always cheer for her.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard doing impressive gymnastic moves, friends clapping

As Kayla grows bigger, she becomes even better at gymnastics. She practices hard and never gives up. Her coaches are proud of her.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard growing bigger and improving in gymnastics, coaches smiling

Kayla also speaks Mandarin, a language from China. She likes to teach her friends some Mandarin words. But her daddy doesn't speak Mandarin.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard teaching her friends Mandarin, colorful language cards

One day, Kayla and Aliya perform a special gymnastics routine together. They twist, tumble, and balance. Everyone claps and cheers for them.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard and Straight black hair, energetic, wearing a purple leotard performing together, colorful routine

Kayla and Aliya make new friends during gymnastics competitions. They learn from each other and have lots of fun together.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard and Straight black hair, energetic, wearing a purple leotard making friends, smiling faces

Kayla's mommy and daddy always support her gymnastics dreams. They watch her perform and give her big hugs when she finishes.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard's mommy and daddy cheering and hugging her, proud faces

Kayla loves gymnastics and hopes to become a famous gymnast one day. She knows she can achieve anything with determination and practice.

Curly brown hair, happy smile, wearing a pink leotard dreaming about being a famous gymnast, determined face

Reflection Questions

  • How does Kayla become even better at gymnastics?
  • What language does Kayla teach her friends?
  • Who supports Kayla's gymnastics dreams?

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